Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Rocktober '09

A month since my last, this post is being typed on the customary stomach full of questionable food - this month... cold Chinese chicken. Contrary to popular belief, however, I've done shit what ain't food consumption neither. Socially and artistically, yo.

With summer dead and gone - good riddance - I'm now back in the swing of university, (read: I am remaining in the swing of doing nothing). Literally, nothing. It took about four hours of nothing to build up the will to even type about doing nothing. As far as going out is concerned, last weekend was a highlight - Damnation festival intersecting a three-day horror film festival. The latter involved a 13-hour stint of gore, so really couldn't be anything but awesome. Damnation was a wheeze (read: however you like) - a phrase used by Jason of Akercocke to describe how their upcoming gig would be. Incidentally, the 'cocke were the best band there, just as they were at the Hideous Miscreation show the week before (sorry Will). But goddamn, taking all that 'cocke over two weeks really gave me a stiff neck.

Worthwhile mentions include the last ever show of Mistress (SAD FACE), a thoroughly reverbed (read: good) set from Mithras, and Lock Up turned all heads into splodes. In seeing Akercocke with the Miscreation (which according to an early Oxford Dictionary, is not actually a word, so is a miscreation in itself lololol), I also visited my little bro, for his eleventh birthday. Got him some Kyuss, YESSSS.

Artistically, here's the breeeeeeeakdown (dugga-dun-dun-dun).

LISTENING/ COMPOSING: first and foremost, NEW DAN SHANDY! The track is "Reykjavik" and is, as a large percentage of the lyrics suggest, about the home of the Icemen. Several more tracks are also in the working, such as... "Paddy Considine", "Sooty has a Tiny Van", and "These Bees I Breed Know What I Need". More soon, hush hush!.

Surely the most important band of the month is
Deathspell Oh-Mah-Gawd. Sure, I've been listening to them for yonks - precisely yonks - but it was only on the journey to/ from Lahndahn that I truly discovered them. Apparently, sitting alone for 12 hours with albums on repeat can do that. They are probably the best band (read: collection of musicians) that I have ever heard, bar My Sugar; in fact, they are the sole inspiration for my new project, tentatively titled "Jubilate Deo". Named after a song on their album Si Monumentum, meaning "O Be Joyful in the Lord", this is my one-man (Joe) lo-fi dissonant black metal project which I am looking to expand upon. Don't worry, it's not Christian bollocks, more leaning towards the opposite end of the spectrum. No, not Satanism, you ponce, but Atheism and indeed a hatred of organised religion. So, rejoice! Only thing that I've done is a demo, which can be found on the website here. Listen and learn... how not to produce audibly. But that's the point.

WRITING: improving upon previously written stories (I could keep going forever, FUCKING STOP IT!) Working-title "Beta-351" has expanded slightly, not giving much away yet. Still though, I did write something productive (read: reproductive) this month, and that is this: 8====D --- LOLOLOL.

DRAWING: the Sycophant, inked masterfully
by the good Baron Owen Watts. Notice the single word that sprang into my mind as I drew it, cleverly hidden amongst all the other scribbling I like to pass off as drawing.

Clearly it has been a productive month.

More soon, love and peace yo. X.

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