Monday, 30 November 2009


After two weeks of nightmarish essays, one day of rest, and several presentation group meetings - I can feel confident in saying "I've had a decent workout this month". Shame it doesn't show. November has been a month of no shaving in our household, with the grubbly Alan and the hella old Adam winning by a beardy mile. Questionable food? Check: out-of-date cheap ginger beer, egg mayo sandwich, most visible bread-mould removed. Social shiz and artistic shoz? Check: red and blue.

New social formed! The cleverly titled CURRIED is in fact just a curry night, followed by a different pub each week - should provide a new and vaguely audible *shock* night out for us all. I can't actually remember doing too much else this month - a few meals with mates, Corp at least once a week, drinking at the soon-to-be condemned York (a dying dog which we kicked repeatedly with our free drinks vouchers). TAKE THIS, DYING DOG!

Gigs will now be placed here, to hide the fact that I don't much else in a month:
Cannibal Corpse were alright (read: put Dying Fetus back on). Echofall were solid and Northern Oak were brilliant as usual, their keyboardist is da bomb. Sunn O))) who are playing a church (UH-OH) in Manchester, and Toxic Holocaust somewhere in the near future. Fun for all the family.

LISTENING/ COMPOSING: Essay-month has been largely dominated by the new Nile, the new Devin (YAY), the new Rammstein, and the long-overdue addition of Wintersun's self-titled album to my library. Top Tip: (cyber)grind
core is the best music ever for essays: what the hell else (what the helse?) could get me to write over 6,000 words in one day besides Fuck... I'm Dead or Agoraphobic Nosebleed? Oh, mindlessly decrepid brutality - how I love thee and thine mindlessness.

Dan Shandy has
FOUR new tracks: the a-capella tribute to Paddy Considine, the tragic ballad Sooty has a Tiny Van, the sparsely barren yet epically epic Dan Shandy in the Desert and the problem-solving Issues:

"If every wolf had a dragon,
there would be no wars -
as we'd all be distracted by
our new wolf-dragon overlords.

If every scorpion had a calculator,
there'd be no disease -
because they'd use all their calculators to calculate
the root of all disease.

If every giraffe had a flask,
there would be no famine -
because he'd feed all the faminists
with his fucking flask."

- Dan Shandy, dreamweaver extraordinaire

I have been asked to jam with a fellow heavy metallion head, Paul de Forged von Rampage Sparshott, so am greatly looking forward to layin' down some heavy chugga choons, yo. I also appeared on the fabulous Owen in Rock this weekend - I can only imagine how THRILLED the entire union must have been to hear Meshuggah...

...this is how thrilled.

FILMS/ GAMING: Have been playing Halo 3 on legendary mode (read: "Bitch, please, you trippin'?" mode), as well as Assassin's Creed II and Left 4 Dead on the projector HUGELY all over the wall. Decided to complete Crash Bandicoot 2 and 3, as well as Spyro: Year of the Dragon for nostalgic purposes. Ahh, youth. Film-wise, I've seen Paranormal (read: good if not-scary) Activity (read: general lack of activity). I suppose that will do as both a review and a working-title suggestion for the already-announced sequel.

LITERATURE: Due to my essays, no writing has taken place this month. I have, however, been reading the QUIRKY Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Once my goddamned presentation is done, I shall finish Beta-351 before returning to the homeland, and being washed away in a tide of yule. No drawing this month, suck it.

Now, I'm glad you popped in, yo - but this is bat country. You can't stop here. X